Industry News and Articles

Comprehensive Physical Access Control: Securing Facilities with an Integrated Approach

June 3rd, 2024 by admin

Factory Facility

Physical access control refers to the systems and measures implemented to regulate and monitor the entry and exit of individuals into secure areas or facilities. In today's world, where the protection of assets, data, and personnel is of utmost...

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Posted in: Services

Why Your Company Should Utilize Cloud-Based Access Control

December 18th, 2023 by admin

A hand touching a phone screen with a lock on it

More recently, technological developments have focused on improving commercial security and business efficiency; access control systems are now the industry norm. However, an increasing number of businesses are now opting for cloud-based access...

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Posted in: Services

Why Your Business Needs Intrusion Detection & Deterrence

October 2nd, 2023 by admin

A person in a hoodie on a computer conveying the dangers of hacking

In today's digital age, businesses rely heavily on technology and data to operate efficiently and compete in the market. However, with the increasing reliance on digital infrastructure comes the growing threat of cyber-attacks and unauthorized access....

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Posted in: Business Communications

Benefits of Cloud-Based Access Control Systems

August 2nd, 2023 by admin

Learn why cloud-based access control systems are in demand

Businesses and organizations are facing increasing challenges when it comes to safeguarding their assets and ensuring the safety of their employees and customers today. Traditional access control systems, reliant on physical infrastructure and manual...

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Posted in: Cloud Applications

The Benefits of UCaaS with CRM Integration

June 16th, 2023 by admin

A woman working from home while talking on her cellphone

UCaaS (Unified Communications as a Service) is becoming increasingly popular as businesses look for new and innovative ways to improve customer service. With UCaaS, companies can access all their communication tools (such as voice, chat, video conferencing,...

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Posted in: Services

Convergence Cloud New Physical Building Security Platform Offerings

March 20th, 2023 by admin

A man looking over blueprints on a desk that is covered in security systems.

Security Alarms, Surveillance, & Access Control All in One Physical Security System The Convergence Cloud Security Platform is a comprehensive security and alarm system that ensures your building is safe and secure. This system can replace an existing...

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Posted in: Services

How Artificial Intelligence is Changing Video Surveillance

February 20th, 2023 by admin

A man's blue eye. Artificial Intelligence Surveillance Systems concept

The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in video surveillance is a growing trend. AI-powered surveillance systems offer many advantages - they can detect anomalies, recognize faces and objects, improve security, and provide analytics to identify areas...

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Posted in: Cloud Applications

Everything You Should Know About Verkada Cloud Surveillance Systems

December 21st, 2022 by admin

Close up view of a surveillance camera lens

Verkada Cloud Surveillance Systems are designed to provide businesses, schools, and other organizations with the security they need. Verkada's cloud-based platform allows users to access their surveillance systems from any device, anywhere in the world....

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Posted in: Cloud Applications

Benefits of Cloud Surveillance Systems

December 7th, 2022 by admin

A businessman pointing at a digital rendering of a surveillance camera on a blue background

Nowadays, it's more important than ever to have a reliable security system in place to protect your home or business. And with the advent of cloud-based surveillance systems, it's easier and more affordable than ever to do just that. Cloud-based...

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Posted in: Cloud Applications

Call Recording with Simple PCI Compliance Features

May 19th, 2021 by admin

Businessman Recording Voice Message on a Smartphone

Deliver incredible customer service by equipping your call centers with these practical features that also make PCI compliance much easier to manage. Keeping customer information secure is more than a compliance issue. It’s a trust issue. Yes,...

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Posted in: Cloud Applications

Cloud Access Control Systems: A Giant Leap Forward in Security and Convenience

April 14th, 2021 by admin

Computer and Phone Network Connected to the Cloud

Now is a great time to transition your access control system to the Cloud. Learn how this latest step in technology is removing gaps in your defense while being easier to manage. As a long-time access control systems installer,...

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Posted in: Business Communications

Business Security Cameras Have Come a Long Way

December 16th, 2020 by admin

Security/Surveillance Cameras Mounted on Exterior of Building

You know a B2B industry has come a long way when consumers start buying in. Typically, this means that the market has matured, bringing a higher level of convenience and cost-effectiveness. This is absolutely true in the security camera...

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Posted in: Cloud Applications